Advantages and disadvantages of each glucometer brand
The main differences between glucometers are:
- The memory capacity
- Coding requirements - Some glucometers require the user to match the code of the testing strips on the glucometer for more accuracy
- Testing time - How long does it take to analyze?
- Ketone testing reminder (Diabetics must test for ketones whenever high of the sugar)
Not only do regular glucometers exist in the present day, but newer technologies have developed and helped glucometers to make a diabetic's life easier. All glucometers have differences that can either be an advantage or a disadvantage according to your needs. Most importantly, the biggest difference between these is the ability to record and save the previous hundreds of tests through other technologies, allowing you to create graphs and charts that help you to share this information in a more clear way with your doctor.
For example...
BAYER's Contour USB Meter
Allows you to upload your blood glucose levels recorded on your glucometer to the computer via a USB device.
By doing so, graphs are available to further understand the fluctuations of your BG levels within a given period of time. |
Connects to your iPhone or iPod Touch and allows you to check your blood sugar levels through the iBGStar Diabetes Manager app on your phone. The results are saved and when downloaded to the computer, graphs and charts show you your previous BG levels.